Guides on getting the right support for people with a learning disability and behaviour that challenges

Extract from Mencap, 20 October 2015

A new series of guides for families of people with a learning disability and behaviour that challenges, people with a learning disability and their supporters has been produced by Mencap, The Challenging Behaviour Foundation, Respond, CHANGE, the solicitors Irwin Mitchell, and family members.
The Meeting the challenge guides are in response to the fact that many people with a learning disability and behaviour that challenges remain in inpatient units, often far away from families, and sometimes for many years.

They are to help individuals and their families know and understand their rights. We hope that if people understand their rights, this will help them get the support they need in the community.

The Winterbourne View scandal in 2011 put this issue in the spotlight, but to date there has been little change in the number of people in Assessment and Treatment units.

The resources include:

• Guides for families

• Easy read guides for people with a learning disability and guides for their supporters

• A law and rights guide

• The guides explain everything from what behaviour that challenges means and what good support looks like, to the rights of people when they are in a unit, and how to plan a successful discharge back to the community.

The resources have been funded by the Department of Health’s Strategic Partners Programme…

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