‘Healthy Eyes’ Training Pack for adults with learning disabilities

The RNIB UK Adult Social Care Practice and Development Team has developed a new training pack for adults with learning disabilities, to raise awareness of the importance of eye health.

This training pack will help adults with learning disabilities recognise possible signs of sight loss in family, friends and themselves, which they may not have been aware of before. It will also explain what to do if an individual thinks their sight is getting worse or they have a problem with their eyes. It has been developed to help increase the individual’s confidence when attending an eye examination and to be aware of what is good and bad for eye health.

The training pack can be used within a group setting for adults with learning disabilities and would require a facilitator of the group to lead the training session. It includes video clips of scenes acted by The Good Life Group who are a group of adults with learning disabilities. The training pack will be available on a USB. This USB will include the training guide for the trainer and the video clips of the scenes.

If you facilitate a group and would like more information about the ‘Healthy Eyes’ training pack and how to receive one, please contact RNIB UK Adult Social Care Practice and Development Team by emailing UKPDT.Training@rnib.org.uk or phoning 0141 772 5588.