How to get people home from institutional care

The Centre for Welfare Reform in association with Citizen Network has published a guide to help people, families and their allies organise good support to get people back home from institutional care. The guide is based on decades of practical experience in organising personalised support to folk with complex needs. You can download the free guide here.

Download: A New Way Home

This work is a pro bono contribution by the Centre for Welfare Reform to the on-going battle to end institutional services and restore people to full citizenship.

A very interesting and important post, but we should also be mindful of Tom Shakespeare’s concern expressed in 'Disability Rights and Wrings (2nd Edition, 2014) London: Routledge that ‘Community Care has meant that most disabled people are living in the community just as the concept of community has been eroded’ (p. 195) and that 'people with learning disabilities may be ‘present in the community but not participating in it’ (Shakespeare p. 193)

Andrew Colley

Senior Lecturer in Special Education,

University of East London, Cass School of Education and Communities


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