Joint Health and Social Care Learning Disability Self-Assessment Framework 2015

Source: IHaL, 26 October 2015

The Association of Directors of Adult Social Care (ADASS) and NHS England have made an announcement about the Joint Health and Social Care Learning Disability Self-Assessment Framework 2015

No local data collection will be required this year (2015). Public Health England will analyse data covering most of the areas of population and primary health care through the national General Practice Extraction System.

This data will need to be analysed, locality by locality, and senior leaders from ADASS and NHS England will be asked to establish a formal review meeting to analyse their data and information, and agree local commitments to ensure progress in identified priority areas. People with learning disabilities and family carers and will be central to this.

Following consultation a new Joint Health and Social Care Learning Disability Self - Assessment Framework will be launched in April 2016.

Further information can be found in the letters from NHS England and ADASS at