Local Elections May 2nd

We have created a free easy read document about the local elections on May 2nd. The make-up of local councils is crucial for people with learning disabilities and other vulnerable people who are dependent on local services provided by their council.

This guide helps people to understand how it works and why it is important for people to use their vote.

You can find out more and download the easy read guide fron: http://www.easy-read-online.co.uk/news/free-easy-read-information-about-local-elections/

Whilst this is a really helpful document in many ways, it is a misleading if your elections are only for the district council as these don’t have any influence on social care and hence support for people with learning disabilities.

Yes. You are right. But surely you still vote for the county council as well as the district council?

No in our area it is only the district council who are holding
elections not the county council…