More listening ears available to offer you support

Would you like to talk to another family carer, whose experiences have been similar to yours, and who has been specially trained to offer other family carers support?

For a lot of people who care for someone with severe learning disabilities, there are times when you can feel isolated, stressed or worried.

The good news is that the CBF has recently taken on several new volunteers who would be happy to talk regularly on the phone with you. They won’t be able to offer all the answers, but speaking regularly to someone who ‘gets it’ can make a real difference, and leave you feeling much better supported.

We try to match family carers based on the age of their relatives who have severe learning disabilities, and based on the kinds of situation they are in. And you can always still use the CBF’s Family Support Service if you have a new issue you want to discuss.

To get support through the Family Linking Scheme, please complete this form and return it by email or post (using addresses at the bottom of the form). Or you can download the form in PDF if you prefer. If you would rather complete the application over the phone you can call us on 01634 838739 and ask to speak to Holly D. You can also contact Holly to find out more at the scheme, by emailing:

We also have an Email Network for family carers who have a relative with a severe learning disability. This network enables you to be in touch with many families around the UK. You can share experiences, information and receive support anonymously.

Further information at