Advocacy Contacts in Blackburn

Is there a self advocacy organisation in Blackburn? If so, could you please share their contact details.


I’m not sure if there is but there seems to be self advocacy representation on Blackburn’s partnership board by Advocacy focus - could try Mike Holt on 01254 301030
There’s also a lancashire-wide group called SAIL hosted by Caritas Care and James Hughes has been the team leader/coordinator of this and REACT .
If the suggestion above doesn’t work then suggest you try them to see if they know.

rosemary - community living magazine and Preston LD Forum

Need to point out that Mike Holt does not work for advocacy focus but is part of the REACT support team and works for Caritas.

For more information on Blackburn try their partnership board website

From the website “You can have your say in making things better for people with learning disabilities even if you aren’t a member of the board by attending the ‘We speak, you listen’ network meetings. The ‘We speak, you listen’ network meets on a regular basis in Blackburn with Darwen.”

I would try People First website or the local voluntary action.

Try National Forum for People with learning disabilities, they have contact list
