Friend or Fake? Hate, Mate Crime and Vulnerable People: How to Spot It and Stop It for Social Care Staff
This one day workshop is delivered by Rod Landman from ARC England, who has been working on the issue of mate crime (a form of hate crime) for more than 10 years, and led the Safety Net project and the development of the Safety Net resources.
The sessions are comprised of short introductions from Rod, followed by discussions on a series of case studies in small groups and plenary sessions.
The workshop will cover:
- What is mate crime (a type of hate crime)?
- What makes people vulnerable?
- Indicators of mate crime
- Managing risk – principles of joint risk enablement.
- Supporting people with capacity who may make ‘unwise’ decisions.
- ‘Responding to mate crime’ toolkit
- Learning from Safeguarding Adults & Domestic Homicide reviews
- Safeguarding responses
- Mental Capacity
There is an expectation that delegates will complete the assignments detailed below.
Pre-workshop assignment:
Conduct an analysis of a mate crime incident from their professional experience
OR (if no such experience) read the Steven Hoskin Serious Case Review Executive Summary here.
Delegates will also be asked to familiarise themselves with the case studies for the workshop.
Post-workshop assignment:
As individuals: In the light of learning from the workshop, review the incident you analysed in the pre-workshop assignment (or the Steven Hoskin case) then complete an action plan for how you would now act now, and share that with your Line Manager.
In teams, set aside some time at your next team meeting for team members to present their cases (or the Steven Hoskin case) and share your thoughts and learning from this workshop.
Cost: £90 (ARC) Members £120 (Non-ARC Members)
More details and to book your place see here>
Domestic Abuse and People with Learning Disabilities: How to Spot It and It (for Social Care Staff)
- 5 December 2023 - 9.30am - 1pm*
If you have a learning disability you are three times more likely to experience domestic abuse.* The Office of National Statistics estimates that almost one in five people with learning disabilities experienced domestic abuse in 2019.
The ARC England Us Too team have spent the last two years using their experiences to deliver training to their peers and professionals about how to keep people with learning disabilities, autism or both safe from domestic abuse and how to escape a bad relationship. **We are pleased that we can now offer this training as online workshops for staff and carers supporting with people with learning disabilities.**All training is currently being offered online via Zoom. Face-to-face alternatives will be available later this year.The Domestic Abuse and Learning Disabilities Us Too training workshops are run by two women with learning disabilities, autism or both, with lived experience, supported by Us Too Project Lead Trainer Rod Landman. - “We are women with learning disabilities and autism.”
- “We have all had experience of bad relationships.”
- “We hope you can learn from our experiences.”
- “We talk about how to get out of a bad relationship and have a happy life.”
Who is the workshop for?
Anyone working in social care and supporting people with a learning disability, autism or both.
Our learners say: “Warm, supportive and informative.” “Amazing experience.” “Meaningful and inspiring.” “Very powerful.” “I learned so much.” “I was blown away.” “Authentic, safe and nurturing”. “Some of the best training I h ave attended”. “So valuable to hear from real people”. “Very emotive but delivered with grace and safety.” “Thank you for helping me to understand and change the way I work.” “K and K are inspiring, brave and a delight. Thank you so much.”
Cost : £75 (ARC Members) £95 (Non-members)
More details and to book your place see here>
Online Harms and Grooming: Supporting Adults with Learning Disabilities and Autism to Stay Safe on Social Media: A Workshop for Support Staff!
People with learning disabilities and autistic people are at disproportionate risk from online harms. ARC England’s experience of user-led projects on mate crime, sexual exploitation, and social media grooming turned up a host of alarming stories. Get SMART found that nearly all the young people involved in the project preferred their life online to the ‘real’ world and that the staff supporting them were not equipped to respond to this profound cultural shift. Often individuals who get into trouble online are simply banned from the use of the internet and social media. This training argues that this approach is ineffective, against human rights legislation and actually counter-productive. A more mature response is needed. This new ARC England workshop encourages positive engagement with the people most at risk, utilising harm mitigation and risk enablement approaches.It looks at how to intervene and support those at risk. The workshop draws on learning from:
- ARC projects about mate crime, sexual exploitation, and social media grooming for radicalisation and extremism.
- Court of Protection case law.
- Bond & Phippen: ‘Safeguarding Adults Online’ [book]
- Background: what are we afraid of?
- Radicalisation, learning disability and autism
- ‘Get SMART’ project findings
- Online harms: what are the risks?
- Grooming: risk factors, process and indicators
- What does and doesn’t work?
- Key tools: MCA and Risk Enablement
- What next?
- The workshop is highly interactive and comprise tutor input, discussions, case studies, polls, small group work and reflections on assignments.
**Cost: £65 (ARC Members) ** £85 (Non-ARC Members)
More details and to book your place see here >
8 December 2023 - 9.45am - 12.30pm - FULLY BOOKED
Resilience is the ability to cope under pressure and recover from difficulties. It’s a subject that our members have told us they are increasingly concerned about during this difficult time.Adult social care staff need to be resilient, to help them to cope better under pressure and continue to deliver high quality care and support.This workshop will help social care managers to support their frontline staff to understand resilience, manage stress, recognise their limits and develop self-care action plans.The focus of the workshop is resilience; looking at triggers, coping mechanisms and opportunities to support a self-care mindset, balanced against the challenges of working in an environment focussed on the care of others.Support materials are provided for each participant, together with training about how managers can cascade their learning to others within their organisation.Wellbeing and Resilience QuestionnaireAttendees are emailed a link to a free Resilience test that they can complete prior to the workshop. Upon complettion they will receive their own report instantly. The link also offers the chance to undertake other tests, which are also free. The analysis of the questionnaire will be useful for each participant identifying their stress factors and to support their personal development.The trainer (Bev) believes that the responses lead into a bigger dataset that provides aggregated population stats for reasearch, similar to the Unconscious Bias test.There is no requirement to bring the results along to the Workshop, unless of course attendees wish to do so.
**Cost: £65 (ARC Members) ** £85 (Non-ARC Members)
More details and to book your places see here>
NEW Positive Risk Management in Services
for Adults with Learning Disabilities and Autistic People - A Discussion-based Workshop! for Managers
- Module 1: 12th December 2023 - 10am-12.30pm
- Module 2: 13th December 2023 - 10am-12.30pm
Attendance on both sessions is a requirement.OverviewThis workshop is for managers of services for adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults. The workshop takes a values-led approach to positive risk management, underlining the importance of taking sensitively managed risk as a human rights issue and as a prime learning tool.The workshop is discussion-based, using a series of case studies to work through practical issues.It is designed to meet the CQC definition of an outstanding service in relation to risk management [KLOE S2]:“There is a transparent and open culture that encourages creative thinking in relation to people’s safety. The service seeks out current best practice and uses learning from this to drive improvement. People are enabled to take positive risks to maximise their control over their care and support.”Learning OutcomesBy the end of the workshop learners will be able to:** - Use positive, person-centred risk management approaches
- Know and apply the relevant legislation and good practice guidance.
- Critically appraise their in-house policies in relation to positive risk taking
- Support individuals with disabilities, and those around them, in decisions about risk taking and the management of that risk.
- Support their staff in the everyday application of positive risk management.
Cost: £90 (ARC) Members £120 (Non-ARC Members)
More details and to book your places see here>
Whose Life Is It Anyway?A reflective practice workshop for support workers in learning disability services
For frontline staff and managers !
Venue: Real Life Options, David Wandless House, A1 Business Park, Knottingley WF11 0BU
Self-reflection is a key characteristic that has been identified by people with a learning disability as one that staff require in order to be able to provide good person-centred support to enhance their quality of life. Other traits identified by supported people that they like support workers to have are sensitivity, knowledge, patience and being friendly, caring and empathetic.
The aim of this workshop is to improve the quality of life of supported people by focusing on reflective practice and developing it as an essential skill required of people employed to provide support. The training then covers how to apply this within a team setting.
This training is not about the practical aspects of delivering support that allows people with a learning disability and autistic people to live the lives they want to live. Instead, we focus on ourselves and the personal and individual aspects of how we are and how we act when we are working. Social care workers face daily challenges, changes, and uncertainties. Working with individuals who have unique wants and needs requires us to adapt quickly, so it is therefore important to reflect on our practice.
“The principle is that good practitioners do not simply do things; rather, they continually learn, develop and grow their abilities” (Jarvis, 1992). This method of learning can promote a better use of skills and knowledge while providing a space to discuss feelings, thoughts, values and the impact of these on actions thus ensuring competent accountable practice.
This is a session that creates a space for the people who work in learning disability support services to:
- reflect on your values and beliefs
- become more aware of how these affect the people you come into contact with in ways you may not be conscious of (this includes supported people, peers, managers and families)
- learn about and model the behaviours that ensure that supported people are always treated with humanity, kindness and compassion
At the point of booking, we welcome the chance to arrange a phone call or meeting with the leaders and managers in delegates’ services about how to support their staff when they have completed the training and how to embed the learning.
Cost: £90 (ARC) Members £120 (Non-ARC Members)
More details and to book your places see here>
My Home Life Leadership Support and Development !Programme 2024 – ARC England and My Home Life England
Free half-hour taster call with Programme Leaders – see below for details.
This is 6-month Leadership Support and Development Programme tailored specifically for learning disability and autism support providers and comprising in-person workshop days, virtual sessions and Action Learning Sets delivered by My Home Life England.
The programme is designed for busy leaders, providing the opportunity to reflect, build capacity and resilience with a focus on supporting positive practice and quality of life.
The content of the programme is designed to:
✓ Improve confidence and resilience, both personally and professionally.
✓ Improve engagement and involvement for people who use support services and those connected with them.
✓ Improve leadership and responsiveness to rapid change during times of unprecedented workforce pressures and financial challenges.
✓ Improve practice including consideration of equality, diversity, inclusion and human rights.
✓ Provide reflection and connection back to regulation requirements, local systems and relationships.
Data analysis of transformational change from a sample of participants states ‘92% report the quality of leadership they are able to provide has increased’.
The programme provides a rare opportunity to reflect and learn in a group of leaders whose focus is working alongside people with learning disabilities, autism or other additional needs. The expertise and experience of participants helps shape the content of the programme, particularly in the facilitated action learning sets, where participants identify issues to explore and learn together.
My Home Life England (MHLE) have over 16 years experience of designing and delivering leadership support programmes reflecting the complex challenges faced by operational leaders within adult social care. Working with a team of experienced facilitators and coaches, MHLE have created a leadership support programme for ARC England that is practical, evidence-based and full of hints, tips and ideas to try out in the workplace.
Who is it for?
The programme is open to leaders who work alongside people with learning disabilities, autism or other additional needs – Registered Managers, deputies and practice development leads.
Is it right for you? Book a taster call
We are offering a free half-hour taster call with Programme Leaders Steph Thompson and ARC England Director, Clive Parry, to discuss the programme, its applicability in your setting(s) and how the programme could be helpful in relation to any specific leadership-related challenges your organisation is working through.
Please download this booking form and send to to book your slot.
Cost: £1500 (ARC England Members) £1550 (Non-members)
More details and to book your place see here >
Half-day workshops
Introduction to Active Support: Transforming the Lives of Supported People with a Learning Disability and/or Autism Workshop
- 17 January 2024 - 9.30am - 12.30pm
Cost : £65 (ARC Members) £85 (Non-members)
Mental Health in Learning Disability in association with The Estia Centre
Cost : £90 (ARC Members) £120 (Non-members)
Developing Emotional Resilience in Social Care for Managers
7 March 2024 - 9.45am - 12.30pm
**Cost: £65 (ARC Members) ** £85 (Non-ARC Members)
Supporting People with Learning Disabilities and Staff Teams during Loss and Bereavement in association with MacIntyre
ARC England online virtual training workshop in association with MacIntyre’s Dying To Talk team and featuring Expert by Experience Jess Hiles.
Cost: £75 (ARC Members) £95 (Non-members)
Two half-day or full-day workshops
The Mental Capacity Act & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (MCA & DoLS) Workshop for Managers
- 11 and 12 January 2024 - 10.00am - 12.30pm
(attendance on both days is required)
Cost: £90 (ARC) Members £120 (Non-ARC Members)
Positive Risk Management Workshop for Frontline Staff Support Adults with a Learning Disability, Autism or both
- 6 and 7 February 2024 - 10.00am - 12.30pm
(attendance on both days is required)
Cost: £90 (ARC) Members £120 (Non-ARC Members)
Supporting People with a Learning Disability, Autism or both, around Self-Neglect and Self-Harm: Workshops for Social Care Staff
- Self-Harm Workshop - 22 February 2024- 9.30am - 1pm
- Self Neglect Workshop - 23 February 2024 - 10am - 12.45pm
Although the workshops can be booked independently, we would encourage staff to attend both the self-harm and self-neglect workshops and there is a reduced rate for booking both workshops.
Both workshops: **£90 (ARC Members) ** £120 (Non-members)
One workshop only (either Self-Neglect or Self-Harm): **£65 (ARC Members) ** £85 (Non-members)
The Mental Capacity Act & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (MCA & DoLS) Workshop for Frontline Social Care Staff
- 5 and 6 March 2024 - 10.00am - 12.30pm
(attendance on both days is required)
Cost: £90 (ARC) Members £120 (Non-ARC Members)
NEW Positive Risk Management in Services for Adults with Learning Disabilities and Autistic People - A Discussion-based Workshop for Managers
- Module 1: 21st March 2024 - 10am - 12.30pm
- Module 2: 22nd March 2024 - 10am - 12.30pm
Attendance on both sessions is a requirement
Cost: £90 (ARC) Members £120 (Non-ARC Members)
Who Assesses the Assessors? Medication Competence in Community and Residential Settings
ARC England live online workshop which will ensure a high
quality and consistent approach to the handling of!
medication across your organisation.
**NICE say that ‘**Care workers completing [Medication] training should be observed and supervised by a competent person in advance of administering medication for the first time. This should be an occupationally-competent person working for the provider, not an external trainer.
Managers, supervisors and assessors are responsible for judging the competence of their care workers’ ability to safely administer medication for people who use the service.’
Managing medicines for adults receiving social care in the community, March 2017
But what is an ‘occupationally-competent’ person? And what assessment skills do they need
By the end of this half-day online workshop learners will know:
- The relevant points of legislation and guidance surrounding supporting the use of medication in social care settings.
- The policies and procedures that should be in place in your organisation.
- The medication training requirements for staff working in the sector.
- How to assess the competency of your staff to administer, and support the use of, medication
- How to ensure consistency of approach across your
Cost: £90 (ARC) Members £120 (Non-ARC Members)
More details and to book your place see here>
Workshops for Trainers
Supporting Medication in Social Care Settings for Trainers Workshop
- 13 & 14 March 2024 - 10am - 12.30pm
(attendance on both days is required)
You will receive:
- a trainers’ pack, including a USB with all handouts and PowerPoint presentation
- a sample workbook
- an additional 30 minutes of personal support from your tutor, with the opportunity to ask questions and discuss your organisation’s specific requirements.
- a certificate of attendance upon completion of our ARC Evaluation Form
Cost (including resources): £200 (ARC Members) I £250 (Non-ARC members)
*Please note, these trainers’ workshops are only suitable for employees of social care providers.
In-house workshops - a cost-effective way to
up-skill your workforce
We can offer any of our workshops on an in-house basis exclusively for your organisation. One of our expert trainers can deliver any of our training courses online for up to 12-16 people per session.
Please contact us for more details at
View ARC England’s Training Portfolio
View ARC England’s Scheduled Workshops
Let us know you’re interested, or ask about our in-house provision!
T: 01246 555043 E: