Camden People First May newsletter

Camden People First, a voice for adults with learning disabilities. We hope you have all been well during lockdown and we are sorry its been so long since our last post.

We would like to share our May newsletter with you and hope you enjoy reading it.

If you have any stories to tell, please contact us so we can add it to our next newsletter.

Camden People First Newsletter May 2021.pdf (616.7 KB)

Hi @claudia

Thanks for sharing the newsletter with Choice Forum.

I was interested to read about the Easy Read+ Team. Does the team make easy read documents for other services/organisations?

Is the ‘Our Group, Your Group’. which is mentioned in the newsletter another self-advocacy group? Has there been any Zoom meetings between the two groups?

Hi @claudia

Good to hear from you. I’ve got the same questions as @Neil, so I’ll be very interested in your reply.

Do you work with or have any groups for parents with learning disabilities at Camden People First?

If your team does make easy read documents for other services/organisations, would you like us to add you to our Directory of Services?


Best wishes,
Policy Officer
Working Together with Parents Network

Hi Nadine,

Sorry for late response but I can confirm that it would be of great support if you can add Camden to First to your data base of providers of easy read. We do provide easy read for external organisations and have worked with the likes of NHS England, NHS Bristol, Mayors Officr, TFL and many more corporate organisations. Our easy read is done by our members full Involvement where their skills can be fully utilised, enabling them to develop self-esteem and confidence building skills. We value our members and recognise the invaluable work they produce hence provide them with a financial remuneration.

Our Group Your Group is our partner organisation based in Camden and they are all parents with Learning disabilities.

Hi Claudia,

That’s great!

I’m not sure I have properly understood the relationship between Camden People First and Our Group Your Group?

If you have a look at our Directory, you’ll see examples of what kind of information we include for entries. PDF WTPN REGIONAL DIRECTORY JUNE 2021.pdf (

So, If you can email me the contact details (and any other info) that you would like to have published, we’ll happily put Camden People First (and Our Group Your Group?) into the July update.

Best wishes,

Hi @Neil,

My name is Miriam Abraham and I am the Data Input Analysis Administrator for Camden People First.

In response to your questions, yes we do make easy read documents for other services and organisations as we have provided this service for NHS England, NHS Bristol, TFL and many others as previously mentioned by Claudia.

Our Group, Your Group is a group of parents with learning disabilities who provide peer advocacy support for other parents with learning disabilities. We have not had any zoom meetings with them for a long time.

Thank you for your interest,
Miriam Abraham

Hi Miriam

Thanks so much for the information.

I will tell people about the services your group provides.

Best wishes


Hi Neil,

Thank you very much for your help.

Kind regards,

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