Can you help? My son in year 6 constantly complaining he finds it difficult focusing

My son in year 6 constantly complaining he finds it difficult focusing on the white board the light and glare effects his eyes, any text work sheets he has are too small to read his eyes go all blurry he gets headaches he notices floaters and yellow lines, sometimes he sees an outline in people near him to much noise in the classroom effects his concentration .he notices small yellow circles dots on the paper sometimes the words get jumbled up, he tries really hard to focus but struggles I have told the skool but no help wat so ever .i need some advice he had migraine meds gp thought it was that causing problem but meds made him now he is off his meds still struggling .any help would be usefull

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It sounds like he is having difficulty with his visual perception. It would probably help if he could see an Occupational Therapist or someone called a Behavioural Optometrist. As far as I know (and I am not an expert), Behavioural Optometrists are not available on the NHS and have to be paid for privately. Perhaps talk to his school SENCO first about him seeing an Occupational Therapist?
Ann Middleton
Advisory Teacher

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An eye test, which is free and checking the eye health and finding out if he needs glasses is important. Also there is a colour overlay test which can be done at the NHS eye test and help find out if there is dyslexia. Checking with the school about the lighting and asking them to use a black board marker could also help. This is advice from an Optometrist.

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Hi -if you haven’t done so already you must make sure you get an eye test for your son- it sounds like it would be a good idea for him to have a check with drops to rule out long sightedness and a check on how his eyes work together.
Problems with visual perception are most commonly caused by an uncorrected need for glasses or sometimes a weakness in the eye working together which can often be treated with simple exercises. Behavioural optometry should only be considered after a sight test-which is free on the NHS for all children- you don’t need to be able to read letters to have a sight test

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I have had an eye test done for my son last month .vision is perfect 20/20 no glasses required