Carousel Project report - improving health and lives of adults with PMLD through provision of meaningful activities

For those trying to access this from an earlier post about far reaching impact of this work, I think the link to the report may be broken!
I believe Lambeth Mencap moved the report to a different location on their website after this notice.

BUT - I can share a copy of the report.

Here is a bitly link which works …but not directly from forum!
You can’t upload files or hyperlinks to the forum

there’s also an article about some of this work in the Summer issue of PMLD Link

Email me if problems and I can send the report -

Here’s full reference:
Fergusson, A. (2016). The Carousel Project: provision by Lambeth Mencap for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities. An independent evaluation report. University of Northampton. Available to download:

Great - the bitly hyperlink works !

Read more insights and some of the practicalities in Becky Loney’s article in the Summer issue of PMLD Link

Annie :slight_smile: