Communication apps in schools

Hello I work with adults and we are updating our communication approaches. It would be helpful to know what communication apps schools and colleges (especially in Surrey and surrounding counties) are using, so we can include these in our plans. Thank you, Phil Mack


Communication apps used in schools/colleges and beyond in the UK 2024

Whilst we have significant sign languages, symbol languages used through the uk , communication apps are still in their infancy. There seem to be no initiative on hand to try and create a useful UK structure or informed research to do this. Scream!

There is also the conflict with the use of android tablets and iPads, as apps are different on both ranges and also in affordable price.

Communication apps range from a simple swipe for yes/no to the very complicated Proloquo2Go. They range from free to extraordinary prices, many from the USA.

With this in mind, here are some good resources to check what IS going on!

SCOPE org website

A good introduction to communication apps that may speak prepared phrases/text,
help communicate in writing or augmentative/alternative communication tools.

CallScotland website

A good source of relevant info.
They are up to date with their communication wheels .

Free apps book download ( March 2024)

‘Apps for learners with special and complex needs’ Flo Longhorn

There are over 200 researched apps in the book mostly based on sprecise ensory input.
I have not attempted to offer any information about specific communication apps except for the ‘Yes/No’ app and apps with animations that respond to the player. But if a learner with profound needs responds in any way possible to any sensory app, then they have made a huge communication within themselves!

Hope this is useful, you can contact me via the Flo website,
Best sensory wishes, Flo

Hello Flo

Thank you so much for your very generous response to my query.

I know when I looked at communication apps around 10 years ago, there were lots of options! The information you sent will be really useful as we update our communication strategy.

Take care




Hi Phil,
that is great to hear the info will be useful.

If you find time, please let me know what you eventually plan. I am busy looking at communication/sensory apps for those with dementia/alzheimers, all in different stages of the condition. These stages fit closely with the work we all do with significant complex needs.
best sensory wishes, Flo