Communication articles wanted for PMLD Link

The volunteer team at PMLD Link are already busy gathering together articles, stories, resource ideas and news items for our Spring issue, which is all around Communication and how this relates to the PMLD Standards in the very broadest sense.
Communication is key across every aspect of Health & Wellbeing and with every person or service involved.

We encourage YOU to contribute to the PMLD Link journal

  • share your experiences and insights with our readers
  • tell us about your events and training opportunities
  • inspire and challenge us with your personal stories
  • show us your ideas or signpost us to resources
    resources, so others can have a go too

Writer’s deadline for Spring issue: 25 February

PMLD LINK relies on YOUR contributions!
Our aim is to improve the lives of people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) by sharing information and ideas through articles that will inspire and stories from real life that show WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! :star_struck::heart_eyes:

We are always very happy to help with articles, long or short - just get in touch! :grinning:
Thanks, Annie