Easy read complaints procedure

Does anyone have any example of an easy read complaints procedure that could be used in GP practices? Any other accessible system where people can give their feedback would also be of interest to me.
Thanks for your time - Jo

Hi Jo

I came across this digital storytelling project recently, and thought it looked interesting: https://sbuhb.nhs.wales/news/swansea-bay-health-news/swansea-bays-digital-stories-project-creating-new-chapter-in-health-care/

Best wishes




There are quite a few if you google
How_to_complain_ER0001_FINAL_Dec20.pdf (555.0 KB)
West-Berkshire-SENDIASS-Easy-Read-Complaints-Guide.pdf (577.3 KB)

Hi you might also find the Ask, Listen, Do work done by NHS England useful https://www.england.nhs.uk/learning-disabilities/about/ask-listen-do/