An opportunity to share ideas, increase your knowledge and support Ukraine
Online workshop – Tuesday 3rd May 2022 4pm – 5.30pm UK time
Recording available after the event
This workshop may be particularly helpful when thinking about people who suffer from anxiety, distress, depression, low mood or who appear withdrawn or disengaged. It is suitable for anyone involved in the care, support or education of children or adults with severe or profound intellectual disabilities, profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) and autism, dementia or brain injury and who use ways other than words to communicate.
In the workshop we will explore:
• What emotional regulation is
• Self-regulation and co-regulation
• How to recognise regulated and dysregulated states in others
• How understanding regulation and identifying states in others can support wellbeing and learning
• The role of regulation in physical and emotional wellbeing
• When and why people may become dysregulated
• Approaches for supporting regulation
• How interactions can be regulating
Tickets: £10. All the money NAC receives from hosting this webinar will go to Inclusion Europe, who are ensuring that all donations go directly to families in Ukraine.