Feeling at Home photography groups - Brighton


Feeling at Home research project - we are looking for people to take part in Brighton

Our research project wants to find what helps people with learning disabilities living in group homes to feel at home.

People will take photos in their own homes and discuss them together in photography groups. We will share the photos through a public exhibition in Brighton.

We have a few spaces left in our photography groups - do you want to join us? Or do you know anyone else who might?

We have made some videos that explain what happens if you are interested: [Feeling at Home Participant Information - YouTube ](https://Participant information)

We would also like to interview residential support staff and residents’ family members to hear their views. Here is an advert Feeling at Home advert_Family and Staff v2.1.pdf (359.5 KB)
that you can send round to staff teams and relatives.

For any questions or to take part, please contact Katy on 07791 071850 or katy.brickley@kcl.ac.uk

Please note: our Feeling at Home project was approved by the Health Research Association’s Social Care Research Ethics Committee on the 18th November 2021.