Full-time Research Assistant, Individual Cognitive Stimulation Study

We have received the following email from the UCL Division of Psychiatry:

“Hi all
We are now recruiting for full time RA to work on a feasibility study examining individual Cognitive Stimulation Treatment in treating adults with ID and dementia. The study is funded by Baily Thomas Charitable Fund and led by Dr Afia Ali (afia.ali@ucl.ac.uk).”

To find out more, visit https://atsv7.wcn.co.uk/search_engine/jobs.cgi?SID=amNvZGU9MTY0NTIyNCZ2dF90ZW1wbGF0ZT05NjUmb3duZXI9NTA0MTE3OCZvd25lcnR5cGU9ZmFpciZicmFuZF9pZD0wJmpvYl9yZWZfY29kZT0xNjQ1MjI0JnBvc3RpbmdfY29kZT0yMjQ