Helping people with learning disabilities get health checks

The Public Health England Learning Disability Observatory is developing some guidance with NHSE about the important role social care providers can play in helping people with learning disabilities get health checks. We would like to include some good practice examples from social care providers about how they are doing this. Please send any examples to

My son lives in a single person flat which is one of 10 in a supported environment. They all have their own small support staff team one of whom acts as key worker and for the last 13 years each persons key worker has arranged annual health checks using the OK health check document. They also arrange everyone’s dental, hospital, GP appointments and record outcomes in each persons ‘Health File’ It is a system that works well and there is a good relationship with the surgery regarding annual health checks.

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That sounds great. Do you know who the provider is?

yes _ know who the care provider is. if you would like to contact me personally I will pass on their details. They are sticklers for confidentiality and political correctness and I don’t want to pass on their details in an open forum in case I’m doing wrong!

Hi there – if you are able to send me the provider details that would be great. I would like to contact them to find out more if possible – although I don’t want to cause any problems.
Best wishes

I loved the OK Health check and it was much used when i qualified back in 1999, however I found it went out of favour…great to hear its still being used out there!

Here in the London Borough of Camden we are approaching this in a slightly different way by supporting our local CCG to have easy read templates for two annual health check reminder letters, a simple reminder and a more detailed reminder explaining what the health check entails. I am working directly with the LD lead GP and local CCG engagement and IT people. It’s taken a l-o-n-g time to get this far but it does seem like a good first step towards integrated health and social care. Apologies for any jargon in this message!

Thank you very much for this information. Would it be possible to phone you and discuss?