Intensive Interaction and Emotional Wellbeing - NAC Wellbeing - Learning

Intensive Interaction and Emotional Wellbeing a recorded webinar you can watch any time and at your own pace.

Exploring the impact of Intensive Interaction on emotional wellbeing in this thought-provoking webinar. :mortar_board: Suitable for anyone interested in the influence of interactions on the wellbeing of people with severe and profound intellectual disabilities, autism, dementia, and brain injury.

£10 per person. For alternative payment options and group bookings, contact Your contribution supports our non-profit mission.

:mag: What We Explore:
:pushpin: Insights from a study delving into the essence of emotional wellbeing.
:pushpin: Understanding emotional wellbeing as a variety of feelings, needs, and consequences.
:pushpin: The role of Intensive Interaction in addressing various emotional needs.
:pushpin: Research findings on loneliness and the impact of relationships.
:pushpin: Key aspects: feeling safe, being heard, belonging, fostering connection, and meaningful conversation.

:scroll: Your Package Includes:
:bar_chart: A recording of the webinar for your convenience.
:desktop_computer: Presentation slides for comprehensive understanding.
:trophy: A certificate of attendance.

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