Learning materials for supporting sexuality and relationships

At Supported Loving, we passionately believe that for people accessing social care to be well supported surrounding sexuality and relationships they need to be assisted by a confident, knowledgeable and well-trained staff team. We are now working with Skills for Care, in consultation with CQC and DHSC and have been tasked with completing an extensive evidence review looking at all the existing UK learning materials surrounding supporting sexuality and intimate relationships for social care staff.

We are conducting a survey to gather the views of providers - please help us collect data and PLEASE SHARE WIDELY :slight_smile: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=uTpSACUQX0-3ePIRKKsuXrUcEZ3hMvBLggoNGhMbHuFUN0RSTjdGVUFSM1NMNkg0VE9YNkdQSzNERi4u