NEW! Domestic Abuse and People with Learning Disabilities: How to Spot It and Stop It (for Social Care Staff)


New! Domestic Abuse and People with Learning Disabilities: How to Spot it and Stop it (for Social Care Staff)

Did you know that someone with a learning disability is three times more likely to experience domestic abuse?

Our workshops are run by two women with learning disabilities, autism or both, with lived experience, supported by the Us Too Project Lead Trainer, Rod Landman.

  • “We are women with learning disabilities and autism.”
  • “We talk about how to get out of a bad relationship and have a happy life.”

We’ve developed our newest training course to help social care staff recognise signs of domestic abuse in people they support and help them get out of bad relationships. It is based on our recent two-year Us Too project.

Our learners say: “Warm, supportive and informative.” “Amazing experience.” “Meaningful and inspiring.”

Places cost: £65 (ARC Members) | £85 (Non-ARC Members)

New Webinars: MCA/Liberty Protection Safeguards and the Revised Code of Practice - What You Need to Know Now

The transition from Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) to Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) becomes effective on 1st April 2022. Whilst the implications are not profound for social care providers, there are some important pieces of detail, changes of emphasis, and new arrangements that services will have to be aware of, prepare for, and comply with.

At the same time, a new Code of Practice covering both the Mental Capacity Act and LPS will be introduced. This should introduce more detail on fluctuating capacity and persistent unwise decisions amongst other things. It is hoped that this will be available in draft/consultation form in Autumn 2021, and should give providers a strong steer on what to expect.

This one-hour webinar presented by our Lead Trainer, Rod Landman

Places cost: £20 (ARC Members) I £25 (Non-ARC Members)


Half-Day Workshops
Developing Emotional Resilience in Social Care for Managers

Cost: £65 (ARC Members) | £85 (Non-ARC Members)**

Full Day or Two Half-Day Workshops**

Places cost: £90 (ARC) Members | £120 (Non-ARC Members)

image of medication
Who Assesses the Assessors?

Medication Competence in Community and Residential Settings

A new ARC England live online workshop which will ensure a high quality and consistent approach to the handling of medication across your organisation.

**NICE say that ‘**Care workers completing [Medication] training should be observed and supervised by a competent person in advance of administering medication for the first time. This should be an occupationally-competent person working for the provider, not an external trainer.
Managers, supervisors and assessors are responsible for judging the competence of their care workers’ ability to safely administer medication for people who use the service.’
Managing medicines for adults receiving social care in the community, March 2017

But what is an ‘occupationally-competent’ person? And what assessment skills do they need?

This new ARC England workshop is aimed at managers, supervisors and assessors, equipping them with the skills, knowledge and confidence to assess the competence of others.

Places cost: £90 (ARC Members) | £120 (Non-ARC Members)

To find out more please contact one of our experienced trainers:
Angie DeLiddiard
Rod Landman

Workshops for Trainers

MCA & DoLS Workshop for Trainers

Supporting Medication in Social Care Settings for Trainers****

You will receive:

  • a trainers’ pack, including a USB with all handouts and PowerPoint presentation
  • a sample workbook
  • an additional 30 minutes of personal support from your tutor, with the opportunity to ask questions and discuss your organisation’s specific requirements.
  • a certificate of attendance

Costs for each of the above Trainer courses (including resources):

  • £200 (ARC Members) I £250 (Non-ARC members)

Please note, these trainers’ workshops are only suitable for employees of social care providers.

Find out further details on the workshops we offer or contact us at

In-house workshops - a cost-effective way to up-skill your workforce

We can offer any of our workshops on an in-house basis exclusively for your organisation. One of our expert trainers can deliver any of our training courses online for up to 16 people per session.

Please contact us for more details at