The NHS is carrying out a consultation on Integrated Care Systems that closes on Friday 8th January at Midnight.This consultation is open to individuals and organisations.
What are integrated care systems?
Integrated care systems (ICSs) are a key part of the NHS long-term plan, and are intended to bring about major changes in how health and care services are planned, paid for and delivered. ICSs are partnerships that bring together providers and commissioners of NHS services across a geographical area with local authorities and other local partners, to collectively plan and integrate care to meet the needs of their population…
The central aim of ICSs is to integrate care across different organisations and settings, joining up hospital and community-based services, physical and mental health, and health and social care.
(Source Kings Fund).
Here is the web link to the survey.
Some people have worries that the ICS system proposed by the NHS consultation ignores a number of key issues, including the needs of carers, including young carers.It does not say how they will work with current legislation, such as the Care Act 2014, the Children’s Act and young carers work. It also does not address health inequalities and the needs of people with long-term health conditions
If you want to read the full NHS document on ICS’s, please see the attached document.
Will it make a positive difference? Please let us know what you think.
S261120-item-5-integrating-care-next-steps-for-integrated-care-systems (1).pdf (341.6 KB)