Parent and child participants required for research study.

Parent and child participants required for research study.

Project Title: Exploring the properties of the Accessible AQ in children.

Dear all,

I am currently recruiting participants to take part in my final year dissertation research project. I am investigating the properties of an accessible version of an autism screening tool (the Autism Quotient) when used with children.

The study has received ethical approval from Northumbria University (Ref:44763) and all data will be kept secure and anonymous.

We are looking for participants that:

  • • are aged 18 years or over;
  • • are able to give informed consent;
  • • have a child aged between 6 and 17;
  • Your child does not have to have a diagnosis of autism to take part.

The study will involve:

  • • Completing a few questions asking for demographic information about you and your child, such as age and gender.
  • • Completion of two questionnaires about your child. The first is a screening tool (the AQ) that measures autistic like traits, such as preferring set routines. These traits can be found among the general population to different degrees. The second is a screening tool for learning disability. These will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
  • • Your child will be asked to complete two short questionnaires that are ‘easy read’ versions of the AQ.

If you have any further questions regarding the study, please contact

To find out more information about the study and to take part, please go to: