Personal Relationships, Sexuality and People with Learning Disabilities – 2 December 2021 – Bristol
2 December @ 9:30am - 4:30pm
We are pleased to advise that we are now recommencing face-to-face workshops.
Tutor: Rod Landman
This one-day workshop will look at how support staff can better support adults with learning disabilities in the area of sexuality and relationships.
Learning Outcomes
Through a range of discussion, case studies and activities, the students will. By the end of the day students will understand about:
- The policy framework
- How we learn about relationships
- How to support individuals in their personal relationships
- The effect that personal belief, culture and preferences have on personal relationships
- The conflicts that may occur in providing support with personal relationships
- Basic knowledge of human sexuality
- Basic knowledge of legal aspects and their impact on people with learning disabilities
- How attitudes and values affect our ability to support service users
Other requirements: students should bring a copy of their organisation’s policy on sexuality and personal relationships
6th Floor
Temple Circus House
Temple Way
- £90 (ARC England members)
- £120 (Non-members)
Find out more and book your place: Personal Relationships, Sexuality and People with Learning Disabilities - 2 December 2021 - Bristol - ARC England