We’re not sure if there is anyone out there internationally with data relating to Covid-19 and people with intellectual disability, but please distribute this message to anyone relevant you can think of. Thank you
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research – urgent call for Covid-19 research papers
We know that children and adults with intellectual disabilities are a vulnerable population in terms of their health. The editorial team for the Journal of Intellectual Disability Research is keen to publish any research on people with intellectual disability and Covid-19 that may inform international response to the virus and protect the health of people with intellectual disability. If researchers have access to any suitable data, please submit the papers through the online submission system: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/jidr/ . We suggest that papers are submitted as Brief Reports (up to 2000 words), and please indicate at submission that your paper relates to Covid-19. Any papers submitted on this topic will be reviewed rapidly with initial decisions to authors within days. Accepted papers will be published as priority online.
Richard P. Hastings PhD CPsychol FBPsS FIASSIDD FAcSS
Deputy Director, Professor, and Cerebra Chair of Family Research | CEDAR | Faculty of Social Sciences | University of Warwick
R.Hastings@warwick.ac.uk | External: +44 (0)24 76522197 | Internal: 22197
Room WE139, New Education Building | Westwood Campus | University of Warwick | Coventry | CV4 7AL |
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