Hello everyone
I am MSc disability studies student at Bristol University and I am looking for volunteers-adults with a learning disability and diabetes- to talk to me about their hospital experience during the Covid-19 pandemic. I can meet virtually or visit people in a public place and people can bring a supporter. There has been little research in this area and I will use the information for my dissertation and to inform Diabetes UK, where I work as a health care professional. Improving hospital care is one of our areas. All information will be kept confidential and this project has received ethical approval from the University. if people are interested they can contact me at:
ef18878@bristol.ac.uk or via my research mobile 07787492287
I will provide more information, including Easy Read leaflets and answer any queries. I have posted about this project on the Learning Disability Facebook page on the 9th July. I am also a mum to two disabled children and also work as a research assistant supporting a gentleman with learning disabilities on a research project. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.