Research investigating specialist school teachers experiences of delivering relationships and sex education for children and young people with learning difficulties

Hello, my name is Martha and I am Trainee Educational Psychologist looking to recruit participants for my doctoral thesis research for an individual interview which will take place via Zoom.

I am looking for teachers who have delivered relationships and sex education (RSE) for children and young people (CYP) with learning difficulties within secondary specialist provisions in England since September 2020.

The research aims to explore how teachers are experiencing the delivery of RSE for CYP with learning difficulties, especially in light of recent legislative changes which made RSE mandatory in all schools from September 2020. In doing so, it is hoped the research an uncover what contributes to experiences of success and challenge, so we can understand how best to support teachers, and subsequently the CYP they support, to promote inclusive RSE for all.

If you meet this criteria or know of any individuals that might be interested in participating, please send me a private message or email me ( and I will provide further information and answer any questions you may have!