Travel Training - using a bus

I am involved in a project for individuals who are learning to use the bus. Are you aware of useful publications? If you have developed a learning pack, are you happy to share with me and other readers who might find them useful to support their practice?
Thank you.
Chia SH

It’s not quite the same, but we did a project on informal lift-sharing that sits alongside training to use the bus. We have a bunch of outputs from that work - get in touch if you want to see them.

I’m not sure if this is useful but it’s a worth a quick look, if only for the fun of it.

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In Edinburgh, we have this easyread from FAIR: file:///C:/Users/Elizabeth%20Taylor/Desktop/EASY%20READ/Personal%20safety/Independent%20travel%202015.pdf

I am not able to open the link from Elizabeth Taylor below could it be sent in another format please.

There’s a great programme of travel training in Essex and Suffolk.

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