Making Families Count is running the following training webinars that may be of interest to you or your colleagues:
22 June 2021 – Duty of Candour – why does it matter to families?
30 June 2021 – Family Liaison Officers – the future of family support after NHS incidents?
13 July 2021 – Using positive family engagement to transform NHS serious incident investigations
For those who don’t know Making Families Count, it is an organisation that aims to improve outcomes for families affected by serious harm and traumatic bereavements in health and social care services.
Their vision is that the NHS, social care and other public bodies will make families count by ensuring that families are integral to health and social care investigations, leading to better investigations, better learning, safer services and the right support for families.
It is made up of people who are recognised experts in their respective fields. Some have suffered the loss of a family member through traumatic and complex bereavement. Others are highly experienced, senior NHS investigators.
Their combined experience gives them a unique perspective and understanding of the transformative power of positive family engagement.