What are your biggest challenges in safeguarding adults in residential settings?

What are your biggest challenges in safeguarding adults in residential settings?
• Learning the core messages from previous tragedies?
• Ensuring we are compliant with the Care Act, Dols and MCA guidance?
• Supporting the development and training of the care home sector?
• Identifying key tools to build preventative and compassionate cultures?
• Ensuring that the care sector is robust in financially unstable times?
• Improving person-centred support for adults who display challenging behaviours?

If your answer to any of the above questions is ‘yes’ then you should attend Safeguarding adults in residential settings: Promoting compassionate cultures in care homes, hospitals and supported living environments, for older people or people with learning disabilities.

To be held in London on 15 March 2016 at ORT House Conference, London; this national event will look at overcoming current challenges for professionals who work to support vulnerable adults in residential settings (care homes, hospitals, ATUs and supported living environments).

Delegates who attend this event will:
•Discover the lessons we need to learn from successive Serious Case Reviews and national scandals involving vulnerable adults in care homes and hospitals
•Consider how to enhance ‘the state of care’: Improving quality in adult care settings
•Gain insights to write effective reports and alerts
•Gain expert guidance to ensure your organisation is operating within the legal framework in our legal surgeries:
•Ensuring legal compliance with the;Care Act
•Capacity matters: What case law can tell us about person-centred support in relation to the Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

Book your place now for the early bird rate here: https://www.pavpub.com/safeguarding-adults/