Hello! Making Families Count C.I.C. and Sustainable Source would like to invite you to a Creative Conversation.We are jointly running an event on Zoom on Wednesday 24th February between 11am and 1pm to share a conversation with people who have been shielding, their families and professionals. We are inviting academics and health and social care professionals who can influence or make decisions. It is not exclusively aimed at learning disability, but the majority of people taking part over the last few weeks have had learning disabilities or have been supporting people with learning disabilities. We will also be sharing some images of work created.
The aim is to explore what could have been done differently and what the next steps should be to move forward to improve support.
Our meeting will be held on Zoom.
For more information, please email : info@makingfamiliescount.org.uk if you’d like to book a free place and we can give you the Zoom link to the event.
Thank you.