Autistic Adults with Learning Disabilities - Staying Safe on Social Media


I work with People with Learning Disabilities; some of the people we work with are also Autistic.

I am looking for resources around staying safe on messaging apps - WhatsApp and SnapChat, for example. Ideally they would cover sexting, sending photos and judging how to stay safe on these apps. I can find resources for young people, but wondering if there’s something aimed at older adults.

Any suggestions about where I could look, please?
Many thanks!

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staying-safe-online-1.pdf (

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Pornography-guide-WEB-Spreads-07.03.21.pdf (

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Hi. I am not aware of anything specific to the apps you mention, and I would advise against an over-focus on specific apps, it is more about developing critical thinking and resilience that can be applied widely across all online activity. PLUS having a culture in which any worries can be reported and receive a supportive response. I have uploaded a resource list we use for our new training for social care staff and family carers on Online Harms, Grooming, Learning Disabilities and Autism.
Online Harms resource list.docx (17.2 KB)

Please do get in touch if you want to know more:

Good luck.

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like Clive Parry reacted to your message:

Thanks everyone for the links; I’ll take a good look.

I agree, it’s about developing the critical thinking skills, which can be so difficult to harness in the moment.

Thanks again everyone. Have a good day!

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