We are conducting some research to investigate the experiences of online negative comments and communication for adults with an intellectual and/or developmental disability? We are looking to talk to adults aged 18 and over, who have an intellectual disability and who have used the Internet in the past or currently use the Internet. We are hoping to use this information to develop support materials with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their carers to support people to manage negative online communication.
We are writing to ask if you or anyone you know might like to participate in this research. The study aims to work collaboratively with persons with intellectual disabilities to develop some resources including an assessment tool and intervention to build online resilience to negative online experiences, so that they may get the benefit of positive online experiences as part of digital inclusivity.
Please find attached advertisements for both people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their carers. To facilitate understanding, an easy read participant information sheet and an easy read consent form for the study are also attached. A summary of what the study involves is included in the information sheet.
In response to COVID-19, the study aims to undertake interviews with adults with intellectual disabilities via their preferred online video platform such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Skype. Alternatively, should the individual prefer, interviews can also be conducted via the telephone. The study has approval from the Faculty of Education, Health & Wellbeing Ethics Committee at the University of Wolverhampton.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I would be grateful if you could email me on f.a.clements@wlv.ac.uk if you are interested in supporting this research.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Miss Fiona Clements, Dr Darren Chadwick and Dr Lisa J Orchard from the University of Wolverhampton.
Miss Fiona Clements (MSc, MA)
Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology Student
Department of Psychology,
Institute of Human Sciences,
Faculty of Education, Health & Wellbeing,
University of Wolverhampton, MC Building,
City Campus - South, Wolverhampton, UK. WV1 1LY.
Tel: +44-(0)1902-323534 Email: f.a.clements@wlv.ac.uk
Participant Information Sheet.pdf (538.7 KB) Participant Consent Form.docx (335.9 KB) Advertisement - Carer Version - Online Negative Experiences.pdf (178.1 KB) Advertisement - Person with Learning Disabilities Version - Online Negative experiences.pdf (178.3 KB)