Hi. I am currently co-ordinating a user-led project on domestic abuse with a team of women with learning disabilities. We have switched all the training we offer online via Zoom. The team would love to become more professional in its use, taking control of events and utilising all its features (breakout rooms, screen share, etc.), but I am no more accomplished in its use than the team! The Zoom tutorial videos are great, but very fast and full of jargon. Is anyone aware of any accessible videos that have been produced, or anyone skilled in its use who could teach the team? Thanks.
Rod Landman, ARC Us Too project
Hi Rod we have an easy read guide to Zoom on our website plus links to some video tutorials by People in Action aimed at people with a learning disability under āEasy read guides to technology and staying connected onlineā: https://www.ldw.org.uk/project/coronavirus/
Hope this is useful
Sam, Learning Disability Wales
Hi rodericklandman, my name is Emlyn. I have LD/ID,classic autism,epilepsy etc but I am very good with computers and accessibility I have made easy read posters for total non readers for the mencap LGBT group I used to attend.
I use zoom a lot as my classes and meetings with Venture Arts are done via zoom since the covid situation began,I also help a PhD student studying learning disabled artists and she had great ideas of acilibity in her videos to so if you woud like,I can help you but I have never suffered domestic abuse (a lot of neglect and abuse from staff yes but I guess that woud be classed as a different thing all together as couples are peers and not only there to support and care for others)ā¦
my opinions woud be coming from a acess view only,rather than first hand experience with domestic abuse (other than seeing my dad get hurt by my mum) hope this helps? I m always up for helping anyone.
Hey, fast work! Thatās great, thanks Sam.
Hi Emlyn
Thanks so much for getting in touch, that sounds like really useful experience. A few people have contacted me so I will take a look soon and get back to you.
Stay safe,
Hi again Rod, no problem!
I am sorry for not noticing people have posted already,I coud have sworn there was no posts when I started writingš I find the layout on this forum quite confusing.
iif you are still stuck for ideas after going through all info please feel free to give me a shout.
Thatās great, thanks Emlyn. Will do.
Hi Rod,
We have created a video for our customers and support workers of how to join our zoom sessions. Feel free to take a look.
I hope this helps.
Thankyou so much - we have received so much support for this!